
2023-12-03 FC2#8217;s ID: 4079371 間隔: 21:52 メーカー情報studio:GUMPTIONCaution! There is mosaicing on the face in the product video as well.SNSで人気上昇中のあの彼がGUMPTION初登場!つるっつるの色白美肌にむっちむちのゴツガタイ、そしていい意味で予想を裏切る太っといチンポ!いやまさに『男根』と呼ぶにふさわしい黒々としたイチモツ、そして立派な竿に見合う不貞不貞しい大睾丸!今回はそんな彼の魅*を余すことなく披露目ます!性熟した生殖器とは裏腹におぼこい顔立ちと愛くるしい笑顔に癒やされる事間違いなし!と書きたいところなのですが、、、残念ながら今回はご本人の希望により顔にもモザイク入れております。ご了承ください!しかしながら我らがチンポをおっ勃たせられ想像*をもかき勃てまくるこの彼、まさに『最強☆彼氏』と呼ぶにふさわしいと思いませんか?※当コンテンツは、運営側の事情などにより予告なく変更、移転、削除等が行われることがあります。He is gaining popularity on SNS and makes his first appearance on GUMPTIO! He has smooth, fair skin, a plump, stout body, and a fat cock that defies all expectations in a good way! His black, dark, and lustrous penis, which is truly #8220;phallic,#8221; and his big, unfaithful testicles that match his magnificent pole! We will show you all of his charms! Despite his sexually mature genitals, you will definitely be healed by his dim face and lovely smile! Unfortunately, his face has been mosaicked for various reasons! Please understand. However, he can make your dick cum and your imagination cum too, and he is truly worthy of being called the #8220;Best Boyfriend#8221;, don#8217;t you think?The contents may be changed, moved, deleted, etc. without prior notice due to circumstances on the part of the management.

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