
2023-12-02 FC2#8217;s ID: 4077644 間隔: 30:35 メーカー情報BOYS.BANK【BOYS.BANK ツイッター】@BoysBank_video※レビュー特典!!●動画をご購入頂き、「レビュー」と「評価」を頂いた方に向けて高画質のオリジナル画質動画を差し上げています!!・商品購入後にレビューと評価をつけて頂き、「商品ページ」から「オリジナル動画希望」の旨のメッセージをお送りください。●We give high quality original videos to those who purchase our videos and give us a #8220;review#8221; and a #8220;rating#8221;.Please send us a message from the #8220;product page#8221; stating that you #8220;would like to receive an original video#8221; after you purchase a product and give us a review and evaluation.● 我们给那些购买视频并给我们一个#8217;评论#8217;和#8217;评价#8217;的人提供高质量的原创视频。请在#8217;产品页#8217;上给我们发信息,说明你在购买产品并给我们评论和评价后,希望收到一个原创视频。『ノンケの痴態を見たい!!』だけの為に作られた新レーベル【オナタリングEX】CASE:84「普段のオナニーをお金に変えてみませんか?」そんな甘い誘いにイケメン達がこぞって順番待ちの【オナタリングEX】专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:84A new label created just for those who want to see straight men#8217;s lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:84今回は某モデルさんからのご紹介で面接に来た175.68.22、イケメン体育会のユウジ君に痴態を晒して頂きます^^♪「友達から女性とエッチが出来るバイトがあるから行ってみれば^^」と聞いて面接会場へ。This time, we have Yuji, a 22-year-old, 175cm 68kg, gymnast, who came for an interview through an introduction from a certain model, exposing his lasciviousness. He went to the interview room after hearing from a friend that there was a part-time job where he could have sex with women. He went to the interview room.这次我们要介绍的是 175 厘米、68 公斤、22 岁的体操运动员 Yuji,他在某位模特的介绍下接受了采访,暴露了自己的淫荡本性。 我的朋友告诉我有一份兼职工作,可以和女性发生性关系,你为什么不试试呢? 他来到面试室。そうです!某モデルさんには事前に謝礼を渡し、エッチしてお金がもらえるからってイケメン君誘惑してきて!と、お願いしたらなんとバキバキのエロボディにカッコ可愛い純粋無垢なイケメン君!!That#8217;s right! I gave a certain model a gratuity in advance and asked her to seduce a handsome guy just so I could have sex with him and get paid for it! I asked her to do so, and to my surprise, she was a pure, innocent looking guy with a tight, erotic body and a cool, cute look!是的,我做了! 我提前给了某个模特一笔酬金,让她去勾引一个帅哥,这样我就可以和他发生性关系并得到报酬! 当我让她去做的时候,那是一个多么酷、多么可爱、多么纯洁、多么天真无邪的家伙啊!他有着紧致、性感的身体!まずは女性とのお仕事前に色々チェックを、と^^♪ 真面目なユウジ君、変態スタッフに誘導されながら訝しみながらもどんどん脱がされる^^さすが体育会、カラダがヤバい!!First of all, before working with a woman, we check out a variety of things. Serious Yuji, being guided by the perverted staff, is made to undress more and more while being suspicious. As expected of a gymnast, he has a good body!首先,在与女性合作之前,他要检查很多东西。 严肃的裕二君在变态工作人员的引导下,一边疑神疑鬼,一边越脱越多。 不愧是体操运动员,他的身材很好!部活焼けした逞しく太い腕に発達した胸筋、バキバキに割れたコリコリな腹筋!そして下半身は硬く張った太腿にプリっプリのお尻ともう脱いだだけでエロ過ぎました…。She has muscular arms, well-developed pectoral muscles, and ripped abs! And on the lower half of her body, she has hard, firm thighs and an erotic ass. Just taking off her clothes was too erotic.她拥有肌肉发达、粗壮、俱乐部烧伤的手臂、发达的胸肌和开裂的腹肌! 下半身则是坚硬紧绷的大腿和性感的臀部。 光是脱掉衣服,她就太性感了。今日すぐに女性とのエッチが出来ると思っていたユウジ君、溜め過ぎちゃって裸になるだけでもうビンビン(笑)自分ではどうにもならない勃起に照れてるところがまた可愛い〜^^♪とりあえず体*も必要だからチェックするね、酸欠にならないようマスクを外せば?と誘導し素顔が…、え、めちゃイケメンさん!Yuji, who thought he could have sex with a woman right away today, has accumulated so much that he gets an erection just by getting naked. It#8217;s also cute that he is embarrassed by his erection, which he can#8217;t control. I#8217;m going to check his stamina, so why don#8217;t you take off your mask so you don#8217;t run out of oxygen? I led him to the front of the room, and his true face was on display#8230; What? Good looking guy!本以为今天马上就能和女人做爱的裕二积累了太多,光着身*就能让他勃起。 他为自己无法控制的勃起感到尴尬,这一点也很可爱。 我要给你检查一下,因为我现在需要你的*量,你为什么不摘下面具,以免酸液耗尽? 我摘下面罩,这样就不会缺氧了。#8221;他说着,让她看到他裸露的脸#8230; 什么? 那个帅哥!マスク姿だと可愛い感じでしたがめちゃ男前だったユウジ君♪まずはとお願いしたスクワットをしてると「え??」なんか漏れてきてる!!(笑)スクワットしてるだけなのに何故かどんどん溢れてくるガマン汁!!しかも粘度が強すぎて下に落ちずにブラんブラん(笑)He looked cute in a mask, but his true face was very handsome. First of all, I asked him to do squats! I asked him to do squats, but he was leaking! I was just squatting, but for some reason my juices were overflowing. And the viscosity was so strong that it wouldn#8217;t go down.裕二戴着面具,看起来很可爱,但他的真面目却很有男*气概。 首先 我让他做深蹲的时候,有东西漏出来了! 我只是蹲着,但不知道为什么,汁液越溢越多。 而且,粘稠度太强,怎么也下不去。ユウジ君、溜め過ぎ^^♪太くボリューミーなカッチカチのエロチンがどこまで刺激に耐えられるかのチェック、とヤられたい放題!!Yuji, you are too much of a hoarder. Check how far his thick and voluptuous penis can withstand stimulation, and get fucked all you want!裕二,你太囤积居奇了。 看看他粗大、丰满的阴茎能承受多大的刺激,想怎么干就怎么干!最後は初の男フェラも受け入れ快感堕ち、フィニッシュは「もうダメ〜!マジでイッちゃう〜!!」ドピュ!!ドピュ!!と濃厚精*を大量に打ち上げる姿がエロ過ぎて…。女性とヤリたくて仕方なかったユウジ君、今度はちゃんと企画してあげるからね〜^^♪In the end, she accepts her first blowjob from a man and falls in love with him. She finishes by saying, #8220;I can#8217;t take it anymore! I#8217;m coming! and shoots up a lot of thick sperm. Yuji, who has always wanted to have sex with a woman, will plan it properly this time.最后,她接受了第一次男性口交,并沉浸在快感中。 她最后说:#8221;哦,不,我来了! 我来了!#8221; 她射出大量浓稠精液的样*实在是太色情了。 裕二一直想和女人做爱,这次我将为您精心策划。※本編はメインモデルは途中からマスクを外してしております。The main model is unmasked from the middle of the film.* 主模特从影片中间开始卸下面具。

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