2023-11-18 FC2#8217;s ID: 4040077 間隔: 28:48 メーカー情報BOYS.BANK【BOYS.BANK ツイッター】@BoysBank_video※レビュー特典!!●動画をご購入頂き、「レビュー」と「評価」を頂いた方に向けて高画質のオリジナル動画(未公開シーン付)を差し上げています!!・商品購入後にレビューと評価をつけて頂き、「商品ページ」から「オリジナル動画希望」の旨のメッセージをお送りください。We will give you a high-definition original video (with unreleased scenes) for those who purchase a video and give us a #8220;review#8221; and a #8220;rating#8221;!Please send us a message from the #8220;product page#8221; stating that you #8220;would like to receive an original video#8221; after you purchase a product and give us a review and evaluation.●我们给那些购买了视频并给我们#8217;评论#8217;和#8217;评价#8217;的人提供高质量的原创视频(有未公布的场景)! -请在购买产品后给我们评论和评价!-请在购买产品后给我们一个评论和评价,并在#8217;产品页#8217;上给我们留言,说明你希望收到原创视频。『ノンケの痴態を見たい!!』だけの為に作られた新レーベル【オナタリングEX】CASE:82「普段のオナニーをお金に変えてみませんか?」そんな甘い誘いにイケメン達がこぞって順番待ちの【オナタリングEX】当我问她时,她说想象着即将对她做的事情,她已经很兴奋了,所以还是做了身体检查。 她在篮球圈里练出的腹肌和依然粉红的乳头太色情了。专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:82A new label created just for those who want to see straight men#8217;s lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:82今回は友達との待ち合わせ時間まで暇つぶしをしていた切れ長一重の爽やか君に数十分で出来る簡単なアルバイトが、と声を掛けなんとか交渉成立♪(今回は警戒心M A Xでかなり手こずりました…。)This time, I asked a fresh man with a pair of eyes who was killing time until he had to meet his friend, if he had a simple part-time job that could be done in a few dozen minutes! I asked him if he had a simple part-time job that could be done in a few minutes, and we managed to negotiate. (This time, he was very wary of M A X, so it took a lot of effort.)这一次,一个刚来的单眼皮男人在消磨时间,他要去见朋友,有一份简单的兼职,几十分钟就能搞定! 我成功地和他谈妥了。 (这次费了很大劲,因为他对 M A X 非常警惕)聞くとあまり公表は出来ませんが某名門陸上部の駅伝にも出ている175.56.19のソウマ君、どうりでスタイルいいはずです^^♪とりあえずルームに誘導し、赤裸々な質問責め^^。Soma, a 175cm56kg 19 year old athlete, has a good style. At any rate, we lead him to the room and ask him naked questions.Soma 是一名身高 175 厘米、体重 56 公斤的 19 岁运动员,风度翩翩。 一开始,她把他领到房间,问他一些赤裸裸的问题。友達とチンコ比べした事ある?と聞くと「友達、小さ過ぎていつも1位です…」と豪語するソウマ君!コレは確認しなくては^^♪なかなか警戒心を解かないソウマ君をなんとか高額謝礼で釣りながら服を脱がせると…「デロ〜ん!!」で、デカい…!!平常時でこのデカさ…。Have you ever compared the size of your penis with your friends? When I asked him if he ever compared the size of his penis with his friends, Souma said boldly, #8220;My friends are small, and I#8217;m always number one! I had to confirm this. I managed to catch him off guard by offering him a large gratuity, and when I undressed him, I found that his penis was huge! I was surprised at the size of his penis#8230;当被问及是否与朋友比较过自己阴茎的大小时? 时,Souma 大胆地说:#8221;我的朋友们都很小,而我总是第一名#8221;! 我必须证实这一点。 我用高额奖励成功地抓住了宗马君,他没有放松警惕,脱掉了衣服,他的阴茎很大! 我平时从没见过这么大的阴茎#8230;#8230;なんか最近デカチン君が多いですね^^;このデカチンがもっとぶるんぶるん揺れるところが見たい、と変態スタッフが取り出しのは、なんと縄跳び(笑)、ドン引きのソウマ君…。There are a lot of men with big penises these days. I want to see this big penis swinging more! and the perverted staff takes out what a jump rope string#8230;现在的大阴茎男人真多。 我想多看看这个大阴茎摆动的样子! 变态的工作人员拿出的跳绳绳子真长#8230;#8230;飛び跳ね、皮を引っ張られ、ちょっと反応してきちゃって(笑)更にソウマ君をオナニーシーンへ導く為に謝礼を積み上げ…。やっとの思いで全裸にすると…バキバキのカラダがヤバい!!Souma is jumping up and down, her skin is being pulled, and she is starting to react a bit, so we pile on the gratuities to lead her to the masturbation scene, and when we finally get her undressed and completely naked, she is slim, but her body is muscular!苏玛上蹿下跳,皮肤被拉扯,她开始有点反应,于是她把酬金堆起来,把他引到手淫现场,当她终于让他脱掉衣服,全身赤裸时,他虽然瘦削,但身体肌肉发达!常に体脂肪一桁だというだけあり、バキバキの腹筋、固く締まった胸筋、下半身なんかもうエロエロです!!She has always been in the single digits in body fat, and her well-developed abdominal muscles, firm pecs, and lower half of her body are already erotic!她说自己的体脂一直保持在个位数,发达的腹肌、结实的胸肌和下半身已经很性感了!気が変わらないうちにエロDVDを流しながら勃ちゆく姿を観察してると、ムクムク膨張し始め、M A Xになったソレは…デッカ!!めちゃ美ちん!!As I observe his erect penis while playing an erotic DVD before he changes his mind, it gradually begins to swell and becomes M A X. The penis is big and beautiful!在改变主意之前,我一边播放色情 DVD,一边观察勃起的阴茎,它逐渐开始膨胀,变成了 M A X!18cmのデカマラを弄ばれ、どさくさに紛れ男にフェラされてしまうソウマ君の運命はいかに!!※本編でもメインモデルはマスクを着用しております。What is the fate of Souma-kun, whose large 18cm penis is played with and sucked by a man in the throes of the action?The main model wears a mask in this film as well.小宗马君的 18 厘米大阴茎被玩弄,而他在动作的高潮中又被一个男人吸吮,他的命运会如何呢?*在本片中,主要模特也戴着面具。