2024-09-21 FC2#8217;s ID: 4540291 間隔: 23:37 メーカー情報うしろすがたのみき【シチュエーション動画】清楚系**〇生を**して飼育中。縛り**状態で首輪のリード引き、コブ縄をまたぎ歩き。自分のスカートを咥えさせ、股の様*を見せながら。歩く度にコブひとつひとつが刺激となり、未熟なアソコに悦びをもたらす。高低差のある縄は丁度いい所もあれば、つま先立ちを強いられる所も。何度もコブが擦れると、快楽と痛みでおかしくなっていく。おかしくなったアソコに触れると敏感に反応。最後はローター責めのご褒美。[Situation video]An innocent girl has been kidnapped and is being kept as a pet.Tied up and restrained, she pulls on a collar and lead, walking astride a knotted rope.As she walks, each bump stimulates her, bringing pleasure to her immature pussy.The rope has different heights in some places, just the right height, and in others, it forces her to stand on her tiptoes.As the bumps rub against her repeatedly, she goes crazy with pleasure and pain.When her crazy pussy is touched, it reacts sensitively.At the end, she is rewarded with a vibrator.